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Sunday, October 16, 2011
Saturday, September 17, 2011
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Thursday, September 15, 2011
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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Everyone will like Onde-onde. Onde-onde cake with a stuffing of sweet green beans is delicious dilidah.
Recipe Ingredients Onde-Onde:
250 grams of glutinous teung
25 grams corn starch
175 ml of warm coconut milk 1 / 4 coconut
1 / 4 teaspoon salt
100 grams of sesame seeds, washed, drained, sun dried
Recipe Ingredients Onde-Onde Contents:
200 grams of green beans without the skin, soak 1 hour
150 grams granulated sugar
1 pandan leaves / vanilla
50 ml of water / liquid coconut milk
How to Make Onde-Onde:
Contents: steamed green beans until cooked, mashed while hot. Mix with sugar, pandan leaves or vanilla, jerang over low heat, stirring until dough can be formed round kelerang, set aside.
Skin: campue all ingredients, stirring and given a warm coconut milk little by little. Knead until the dough can debentuk. For the average according to the amount of content. Round and flatten, put the dough content, Squeeze, round shape again.
While you press gently roll the balls in each sphere of sesame. Fry in oil a lot less heat until cooked browned, remove and drain.
Onde-onde Tips:
Keep the dough skin still damp Onde-Onde, cover with plastic. If necessary sprinkle a little water, so good on the skin attached sesame dough.
Good luck recipe-Onde Onde