- 5 fruit ripe plantain, peeled
- 2 tbsp peanut butter
- 5 LBR cheese Kraft singles
- 50 g maize
- Keju Kraft grated cheddar secukupnya
- Cooking oil secukupnya
Fried dough:
- 50g wheat flour
- 1 tbsp maize
- 1 / 8 tsp fine salt
- ¼ tsp baking powder
- 3 tsp sugar
- 100 ml of milk
- Oil secukupnya
How to create:
1. Mixed all ingredients until thick dough, keep in refrigerator for 1 hour
2. Cut-cut bananas into a square. Take 1 piece of bananas, olesi with peanut butter, 1 piece of cheese, give Kraft singles, olesi top with peanut butter, with 1 bank cut bananas. To do so out of bananas
3. Bedaki banana with maize celupkan ago in fried dough, and fry until cooked. Lift and tiriskan, diamkan until cold. Taburi with a cheese grater
Review prescription
Oops I can not help themselves if there is a motive I can certainly do all this but depending on the capital and our efforts to make this cake. But certainly not a chef aja I can make this cake is definitely a normal person can even people who do not have cooking keahlihan already let the spirit of a friend who does my cooking so we can exchange opinions and exchange recipes here can get complementary.
Congratulations to try