A. How to create a
1. The sugar is mashed = 250 grams or 1 / 4 kg
2. Vanilla quarter tablespoon
3. Cassava = 1000 grams
4. Coconut Parut = necessary
5. Salt = necessary
6. Food Dyes = necessary
7. Condensed milk = 1 cup
B. Cooking equipment is Required Between Other:
1. machine Getuk
2. Tools for cassava, such as pounder skillet or crusher machine
C. The Guide is gradually Cooking:
1. Steam until cooked cassava
2. Remove the fiber in the middle and then mashed until smooth.
3. Its refined sugar as necessary.
4. Enter the condensed milk and vanilla until dough supple.
5. Coloring agent according to its taste as long as safe for food.
6. Getuk to enter the mill and cut every 5 or 6 cm.
7. According to its taste of coconut in the top of it. Welcome Enjoy!
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