200 gr tomatoes, rendam hot water, kuliti
150 gr gluten, boiled, cut into 1 cm dice
50 gr legumes
50 gr corn pipil
75 g carrot, the form of interest
1 tbsp tomato paste
2 tbsp tomato sauce
1 cm ginger, minced
500 ml vegetarian broth
1 / 4 tsp pepper
1 / 2 tsp salt
Flour 2 tsp corn flour, larutkan
1 btg celery, chopped
1 tbsp margarine need to
Material vegetarian broth:
200 gr bengkuang, peeled, cut into 6 sections
200 gr carrot, peeled, cut into 4 parts
2 btg celery leaves, cut into 2 sections
2 bh sweet corn, whole, cut into 3 sections
1 / 2 tsp pepper
1 tsp salt
600 ml of water
How to make:
1. Create a vegetarian broth: bengkuang with boiled water, carrots, celery leaves, sweet corn, pepper and salt, cooking with low heat for 30 minutes, lift, filtered.
2. Rendam tomatoes in hot water, Leave it briefly, remove the epidermis and its contents, cut the tomato dice 1 cm seen.
3. Heat margarine, stir fry ginger until fragrant, cast stock, salt, pepper, stir well, cook until boiling, lift, filtered.
4. Heat back stock, enter the tomatoes, tomato paste, tomato sauce, gluten, legumes, maize pipil, carrot, celery, salt and pepper, cook until boiling. Cast solution corn flour, stir well, boil, lift.
For 6 people
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